These systems are very effective in homes that experience a continuing musty odour or where there is mould on shoes and clothes in wardrobes or on furniture in living spaces
Many pest and building inspectors recommend subfloor ventilation to reduce termite risk.
We use quality centrifugal German made fans in our subfloor ventilation systems. The inAIR SFVx is typically supplied as a 1, 2 or 3 fan system for subfloors of to 50, 100 and 150 cubic metres of airspace, respectivley. This system can be expanded to cater for any sized space.
These systems are configured to create cross flow in subfloor areas and extract stale contaminated air. As these systems extract air, atmospheric pressure replaces the stale air with fresh air. Typically these systems are timer controlled and run on mains power.
Typically SFVs will run from 10am – 4pm daily:
- Manage acoustic vs ambient day time noise
- Draw warmer day time air thr the subfloor space.
An inAIR system SFVx system can be set up as a balanced pressure system – but this needs to be very carefully considered and understood before installation. The key to an effective subfloor ventilation system is to ensure that it is installed properly.
A quality system needs to be powerful, quiet and relatively inexpensive to run.
inAIR subfloor ventilation systems carry 7 years warranty.